Project 365: Week 4









Please follow the circle to the wonderful Andria.

8 thoughts on “Project 365: Week 4

  1. Oh my goodness Pam! Gordon is getting so big! I can’t believe he is standing already (with support or not…) it can’t be.. SO cute though. I really love your last image too… I need to do more like that. I always see interesting buildings, fields, etc and image them in a photograph, but of course never ever have my camera with me to actually take the picture 🙂 Great week again!

    1. I always feel so odd taking photos without people in them. I literally stopped, snapped it and kept walking. I had to have it when I saw that sign. Lol!

  2. Wow Gordon is standing up. That is awesome. He has such beautiful eyes. Love these images . Am laughing at the pigs will bite sign. I feel the same.way about the non people photos but am getting better at it.

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